Thank you for your interest in Confirmation at IHM! We are excited to invite potential confirmation candidates to join preparation sessions beginning each fall. Our program is open to all students in grades 8-12. It is a two year process, with gatherings from September to May each year.
Confirmation students attend formation sessions, retreats, and special events as well as offering service to the community. The small group format encourages the development of relationships with other students and adults to explore their faith.
After the preparation, candidates are confirmed during winter, before Lent begins.
Please join our Confirmation List to receive all the information needed to get your child started in this next step in their faith journey.
Contact the Faith Formation Office with questions or for more information. 650-593-6157 x1022,
Click on the following topics for more information
Confirmation Year One
Confirmation Year Two
Confirmation Sponsor Information
Parent Participation
Community Service