Order of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children & Teens
If you have children over the age of 7 who are not baptized or catechized, please click here for more information.
If you have answered yes to any of these questions… please JOIN US!
Whatever questions regarding Catholicism you may have, you are invited to take part in our OCIA no-obligation inquiry classes. There is no commitment to make during the first few gatherings. These initial sessions are only for you to explore, discover and discern if you wish to advance in learning more about the Catholic Faith.
What is OCIA?
Order of CHRISTIAN INITIATION of ADULTS is a process by which adults prepare to enter fully into the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. OCIA is for adults:
Sessions provide the opportunity to have questions answered and explore the gift of the Church in a small group setting.
Candidates are initiated gradually through a series of liturgical rites. They receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil, the highlight of the Church year.
During this period, inquirers can receive answers to some of their most pressing questions about the Catholic faith and discern how this faith might connect with their personal story and their desire for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community. Inquirers are invited (but never pressured) to continue the journey through participation in the ritual called the Rite of Acceptance.
In this second stage of preparation, Catechumens (those preparing for Baptism) and Candidates (those already baptized who are preparing for entry into the Catholic Church), will spend time learning about the beliefs of Catholics and be introduced to the Catholic way of life. The scriptures and Catholic teachings will guide their study, while participation in various forms of worship, prayer and parish activities will acquaint and help integrate them into the Catholic lifestyle. Their priests and catechists will guide them in this journey. A sponsor will be chosen to provide individual support, and the parish community will continue to welcome them and pray for them. This stage culminates in the celebration of the Rite of Election where they are officially accepted for the Easter Sacraments.
This stage, which coincides with the season of Lent, is a time of final preparation for initiation. The “Elect” engage in prayer and reflection about their growing relationship with Christ and the Church. They discern how they will live out that relationship in their everyday lives. Some additional rituals called “Scrutinies” will help them in this process. This period climaxes with their sacramental initiation at the parish Easter Vigil liturgy on the night before Easter.
Mystagogia means “leading into the mysteries”. This last period can be compared to a “honeymoon” — a time when the newly initiated are helped to adapt to their new status in the Catholic community. They begin their lifelong pilgrimage of growth as the mysteries of their faith unfold.
Sessions are ongoing throughout the year. We begin with a one to one meeting to hear your questions and see how we can help you.
Contact the Faith Formation Office to set up the initial meeting and get more information.