These prayers are adapted for home use with the head of the family (V.) leading the prayers and other family members (R.) giving the responses. The family may gather together in the principal room of the house.
To you and all your loved ones, I extend my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. If you are visiting us during this holy season, I offer you a cordial welcome and hope that you will return soon. For those who are looking for a church home I assure you that our doors and hearts are always open.
As Christmas approaches, we realize more and more that LOVE is key. God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son. Such love is only possible by the grace of God.
In Advent, this Sunday has been traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. “Gaudete” comes from the Latin verb, which means, “to rejoice.” We are reminded that it is Jesus who alone brings lasting joy.
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – December 8, 2022 From its earliest days, our bishops have placed our nation in the loving embrace of Immaculate Mary, Mother of God. During these difficult times, let us renew our consecration to Jesus through Mary. The Immaculate Conception is always a holyday of obligation.