How is it possible to sum up what really matters most to those who come after us? It seems that words are always inadequate, but nevertheless we grapple with them to best say what is in our mind, heart, and soul....Every word of Jesus in the Scriptures touches us deeply because He speaks to us from His relationship with His heavenly Father. Nothing is fake. He speaks always with love for each of us with words we need to hear....
Our parish will be launching an exciting Catholic Study program on the Mass for Lent 2019 taught by one of the most effective Catholic evangelists today, Bishop Robert Barron. Click News Title for complete details and registration.
The Mass holds the place of the supreme act of worship in the Church. We will have an opportunity to more deeply appreciate it during our upcoming parish small group study this Lent. Meanwhile take a look at all the other resources we have to learn about the Mass in the Discovery Room today after Mass. And be sure to grab some goodies and coffee too!
Early reservations received prior to March 1 are $115 per person for a evening of fun-filled activities, silent & live auction, 3-course dinner and dancing. Reservations may be made online at Early reservation forms are on the vestibule table. Click on title for more details.
What a great way to start your LENTEN journey... in the Santa Cruz Mountains at St. Clare’s Retreat House, Topic – “From Eve to Mary:The Promise of Redemption Fulfilled.” with Fr. John Boyle. Click on Event title for complete details.
Come by and check out one of his books or DVD’s in the Discovery Room after Mass this weekend. Get a preview of his amazing intellect and teaching style and prepare to be impressed!
Instead of just giving something up this Lent why not GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT by attending our Lenten parish small group study on the Mass? Click on News title for complete details.
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is for married couples desiring to deepen their communication and their faith. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends include: May 17-19, 2019 in San Jose, CA and Aug 9-11, 2019 in San Francisco, CA.
The Church is sometimes called the Bark (Barque), or ship, of St. Peter, because of this Gospel account. During its long history the Church has experienced many trials. Yet the successors of the Apostles and the Christian Faithful continue to look to Jesus to calm all storms and bring us His peace....
Do you ever feel inadequate when trying to explain your faith to non-Catholic friends and family? There is help! Catholic Answers ( is an organization whose whole mission is to answer questions about what the Church really teaches. They publish books and pamphlets and we have many of them in the Discovery Room for you to borrow. Come by after Sunday Mass today for coffee and goodies and see what’s available just for you!
Immaculate Heart of Mary School is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. For more information on preschool call Liz Zapien, Preschool Director at 650-593-2344. Click on news title for details.
If you're looking to strengthen your faith and build friendships with others who love the ocean, surfing, and other water sports, consider participating in Catholic Surfers. Click on title for more details.
Father Mazza shares an important letter about Immaculate Heart of Mary School and updates of the search for school principal. Click title for entire post.
Our Catholic faith is such a gift and no one appreciates it more than those who have converted from other religious traditions or even atheism. We have plenty of amazing conversion stories in the Discovery Room to inspire you. Check one out after Mass today!