To: All parents with children at IHM Grammar School and IHM Program of Religious Education
From: Fr. Mark G. Mazza, pastor
Re: Religious Education and the practice of the Faith, a serious duty and honored privilege
By the time you read this memo, your children – may I dare say our children – will have returned to classes at IHM School (Wednesday, August 21
st); or they will soon begin classes in our Religious Education Program (Kick off day today Sunday, August 25
th with classes beginning on Sunday, September 8
th). A new school year is a time of new beginnings. To parents and children new to the parish, I offer a cordial welcome on behalf of all. To those returning from last year, I offer my best wishes as you return among us. To borrow an expression from the 20th century, at this time of year we can say that we are starting with a “clean slate.” Looking ahead to the 2019-2020 academic year, we are all challenged to purify our intentions and put our best foot forward. It is a time of hope for all of us. There is no need to cling to past impressions about anyone or anything. We are all asked to recommit ourselves to the good work of catechesis that the Lord has entrusted to us. Your priests are here to be at your service as is the case for all of our educational leaders.
As we move into the Fall, we are glad to have Ms. Johanna McCormack as the new principal of our school. We offer her a warm welcome and our prayerful support. Mrs. Robyn Lang will continue to direct the Religious Education Program for those in other schools. Fr. Rufino O. Gepiga is now on board as our full time Parochial Vicar.
I wish to remind you that every day, Monday through Saturday, Mass is celebrated at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at 8:00 A.M. Each weekend we have four Masses for you to choose from. On Saturdays Mass is at 5:00 P.M., which counts for Sunday; and on Sunday Masses are celebrated at 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M., and at 11:30 A.M. On the first and fourth Sundays of each month we have a Traditional Latin Mass at 5:00 P.M. We also have confessions scheduled every Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 P.M. or by appointment. The first All School Mass is on Friday, September 6
th at 8:15 A.M. All are invited. The Religious Education Program will have a Mass on Sunday, September 8
th at 9:30 A.M.
Where do I begin anew if I have fallen away from regular practice of the Faith with my family? What is the first step? I would recommend what the Church has always practiced and recommended. In Acts 2:42 we read: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers.” This is the tried and true way that we have no authority to change. The early Christians were proud to speak of it as “The Way.” Thus the best way to start right is to come at least to Sunday Mass, the “breaking of the bread,” each week, making a commitment to the Lord to begin again to faithfully observe what St. Luke aptly describes in the above passage from Acts. That does not mean that all may receive Holy Communion, but it is a good beginning just to be there even if a good confession or proper catholic marriage or whatever is needed to be reconciled to Christ and His Church will come later. Please feel free to contact either of the two priests officially assigned to IHM: Father Mark G. Mazza, pastor; Father Rufino O. Gepiga, parochial vicar. We are more than willing to help you on your pilgrimage to and with our Lord. We promise to humbly, confidentially, and respectfully assist all those who seek us out. Just call us or email us to make an appointment, if thought necessary. Those wishing to become Catholics should contact us as soon as possible.
May Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Holy Family, pray for us and bless us. ■