Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord officially closes the Christmas season. We are confident that the graces received during this joyful time will continue to sustain us as we move along into the New Year. Monday, we will return to Ordinary Time until the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5. On Sunday, February 2, we will celebrate Candlemas Day, which is called the Solemnity of the Presentation. On this day, candles are blessed. We have boxes of blessed candles available for home use. Monday, February 3 is the Memorial of St. Blaise with the traditional blessing of throats through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr. This will be given during Mass without touching candles to the throat because of the coronavirus. We will especially pray that all will live in good health.
The Baptism of the Lord reminds us of our own baptism, when we first entered into the death and resurrection of the Lord. The waters of baptism wash away the Original Sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, that we are born into; and at the same time bring us into communion with God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father, we are beloved sons and daughters of the same loving God. We need to affirm this relationship every day. Each of us is loved unconditionally. This is our true identity as Christians. We must never forget it.
The Baptism of the Lord tells us that Jesus has entered into the nitty-gritty of our lives. Jesus is not aloof from what we experience, but in the midst of it all - good and even bad. Jesus is never on the side-lines just watching what happens to us. He is in the thick of things. When we are wounded in the battle for our souls, He steps in to heal us. When we feel alienated and unloved He touches our souls with His greatest affection. In a very real sense God has confidence in us as His sons and daughters to build up the kingdom for His greater honor and glory. We pray that in all things God may be glorified. Because of this relationship, we receive bountiful blessings.
In this New Year let us live each day in communion with God. May we more and more die to sin in Jesus Christ and rise up to new life in Him. May this year be one of many blessings and graces for each of us. Let us live holier lives.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Fr. Mark G. Mazza, pastor
P.S. On this Sunday Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will confirm our young people and a few adults at the 1130am Mass. Please pray for the confirmed.