(Isaiah 9:6): A Child is born to us, and a Son is given to us: Whose government is upon His shoulder: and His name shall be Called the Angel of great counsel (Introit from Third Mass of Christmas during the Daytime).
Christmas 2024
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I wish you and all your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
With great joy I look forward to celebrating my seventh Christmas with you as your pastor. Many know that the original plan was for me to leave after Christmas for Marin; but man proposes, God disposes. I believe it was Our Lady in her Immaculate Conception and Immaculate Heart and Our Lady of Knock, who made this change happen. I continue to pray every day that I may be her faithful and loving servant during my time with you. An old priest I knew in my youth often said “Mary Christmas.” Yes, Mary, Our Blessed Mary, shows us how to best receive Jesus into our hearts, with tender love, strong faith, and undying hope.
There is a traditional German Christmas song that begins “Alle Jahre wieder kommt das Christuskind; every year the Christ Child comes to us again.” Yes, He first came 2024 years ago, and He will come again at the end of the world. However, every single day, and especially at Christmas, He wants to come to us so that we might continue to be reborn in Him through grace. Christmas is a time to more fully and lovingly embrace Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
There is a long standing tradition that Jesus was born in Bethlehem at Midnight at the darkest time of the year to make clear that He comes as a light shining in the darkness of fallen humanity – to bring us Godly warmth, guidance, good cheer, and most importantly love. He came and will continue to come to us as our first, last, best, and only hope.
At Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish we are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. We are committed to serve God, family, and country. I thank you for your past and continued support of the ministry we share in Christ. I am counting on your much needed assistance in the coming year. I humbly ask all who can to make a special donation for Christmas. An envelope is enclosed for this purpose. I share with you a bright vision now and in the future. Indeed, it is far better to light even one little candle, than to curse the darkness.
May each of us live in the light of Christ and radiate that light to others the best we can. God is good!
Mary love you! God bless you!
Yours in the Divine Savior and Mary, the Mother of God,
Fr. Mark G. Mazza