Our Lady of Knock is more relevant than ever! The 5th Annual Our Lady of Knock Novena - Sunday, August 14 -Monday, August 22, 2022.
Dear Parishioners and Friends, At about 8 o’clock on the Thursday evening of the 21st of August 1879, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared at the South gable of the Church at Knock, County Mayo, Ireland. Beside them and a little to the right was an altar with a cross and the figure of a lamb, around which angels hovered. There were fifteen official witnesses to the apparition – young and old – who watched it for two hours in pouring rain and recited the Rosary. Two Commissions of Enquiry accepted their testimony as trust-worthy and satisfactory in 1879 and 1936.
Today, Knock ranks among the world’s major Marian Shrines, having enjoyed the full approval of the Church, for many years. It has received privileges from five Popes. St. John Paul II visited on 30th September 1979. Pope Francis visited on August 26, 2018. He has elevated the Shrine to an International one. Please pray to Our Lady of Knock for our families, our Church, our Holy Father, our priests, deacons, and religious. Please join in our Fifth Annual Novena to Our Lady of Knock. The website contains the novena prayers and a link to the Knock Hymn from the shrine in Knock, Ireland. You will also find a few reflections I have put together.
On bended knee, let us beg Our Lady of Knock, through her powerful intercession, to come to our assistance and answer our prayers.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor