When you make a financial contribution to your parish, you are making a personal investment in its mission and ministry. In doing so, you join others in your parish family doing the work of the Church by supporting those in your own community and beyond.
There are a number of ways to financially support Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. If you have any questions or would like assistance with your gift, please call the Parish Office at 650-593-6157 or email [email protected]
It is easy to set up one-time or recurring credit card and automatic bank payments. Use this link to get started:
Donate Now
Envelopes, cash or checks may be offered during Mass, dropped off or mailed to the parish office at 1040 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont CA 94002. We gladly accept cash donations; however, if you want us to record your contribution and include it on your end-of-year statement for income tax purposes, we can only do so if you use envelopes or contribute by check/credit card AND are a registered parishioner of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
Not registered yet? Use this handy online registration form!