Choosing a Confirmation Sponsor A confirmation sponsor is a person who is:
someone other than a parent (canon 874.5)
over the age of 16 (Candidates are asked to discuss possible sponsors under the age of 18 with Confirmation Coordinator. More mature sponsors are recommended.)
a fully-initiated Catholic (has completed Baptism/First Penance/First Eucharist/Confirmation)
actively living the faith (fully committed to the mission of the Church and participates in Mass on regular basis)
willing to give time/commitment to walk with Candidate through the Confirmation process (should live close enough to attend sessions, as well as meet with Candidate in person)
Sponsor Information Form (Due before the Year One Candidate/Sponsor Day) If you have any questions regarding Sponsor choice, please contact the Faith Formation Office for assistance. As Baptism and Confirmation are connected, you are encouraged to consider your Baptismal Sponsor (Godparent) as a possible Confirmation Sponsor. All Sponsors, including Baptismal Sponsor, need to meet the requirements above.