From time to time I like to write to you about parish life. As you should know by now our Office Manager of some forty years Mrs. Gail Tesi will retire at the end of this month. She was publicly thanked and received our sincerest best wishes last Sunday, January 20
th. I also gave her a special blessing to help initiate her retirement years. Again, Gail, I wish you all the best in the years to come. Our prayers go with you.
Starting on February 1
st Mrs. Denise Allen will begin the job of office manager. She has been mentored by Gail for about a month and is now ready to make the plunge. We are fortunate to have her with us to oversee all the day to day work of the parish office. She has had much previous experience in office work and is well aware of the varied character of parish ministry. Denise, we offer you a warm and cordial welcome. We hope to live by our unofficial motto: “Let’s love one another!”
Please note in the bulletin, on the website, and in the leaflets in the church vestibules, the upcoming training for new altar servers. I encourage our young people in grades five and above to participate. Our sacristan Mr. Patrick Lobo and I will train them in five sessions, followed by an installation service on Sunday, March 3
rd. The cooperation of parents is necessary. Drawing closer to the Lord at the altar as youth is the foundation for a life time of fidelity to God, family, and country.
A few have asked if we are going to continue the monthly Holy Hours. In the past we have had a Holy Hour the First Friday of every month from 7:00-8:00 pm. The Blessed Sacrament is first exposed in the monstrance, and then there is time for public prayers and silent adoration accompanied with music. Finally, there is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Starting on Friday, February 1
st, 2019 we will again commit ourselves to our monthly Holy Hour. I encourage you to attend in response to the great love the Lord has for us in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Also, many are familiar with the traditional blessing of throats on the Feast of St. Blaise, whose feast falls on February 3
rd each year, the day after Candlemas, when candles are blessed. This year since the feast falls on a Sunday the Mass will be for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. However, after all the weekend Sunday Masses the blessing of throats will be given after Mass for those who wish it.
On Sunday, February 3
rd, the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco will sponsor a Solemn Mass for the Purification (transferred this year in the traditional calendar from the 2
nd to the 3
rd) at 5:00 P.M. Fr. John Fewel will be the celebrant. At this Mass our church candles will be blessed, there will be a candlelight procession, and then after the Mass throats will be blessed for those who can stay. Blessed Candles for home use will be available for a donation of only $5.00 per box. If there are any boxes left, they will be available at the parish office for the same amount.
More will appear in these pages soon about our Lenten Parish Program on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading this news page. Your participation in the parish helps build up our community of faith.
Thanks for all you do.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor