My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, At all the Masses this past weekend I spoke about the larger picture of our parish. Clearly, the pandemic has influenced our lives in many ways. For many churches it has influenced attendance and contributions. We are one of those churches. We do not stand alone in this. Therefore, now is the time to re-group our forces and recommit ourselves to the Mission of our Divine Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. Nevertheless, each generation must profess that they stand with Him in the Church He founded. Our commitment involves offering to the Lord our time, talent, and treasure. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “Then repay . . .to God what belongs to God.”
The fact is that our income from the weekly offertory collections is not where it should or could be. I am sincerely appealing to you to seriously reconsider your weekly donations. Since the pandemic there has been a tremendous inflation in expenses, but our income has not kept pace. In fact, our income is not what it was ten years ago. This is a serious matter. I am asking that all reconsider their weekly offering. If every parishioner doubled his or her donation that would jump start the parish’s recovery. For some that would mean giving even more than double to help us catch up with current demands. I thank you for your sacrificial and generous donations.
The message and values we teach and profess are more than every important. To be a Catholic is not merely to adhere to a set of ideas. It is the way to become fully human. Jesus elevates our humanity. Jesus prepares us for eternal life in heaven. What could be more important? As I begin my sixth year as your pastor on November first, I recommit myself to your service. I entrust our mission to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I repeat the consecration I have made since my twelfth birthday: “O my Queen, O My Mother, remember that I am thine own, keep me and guard me as thy property and possession.”
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor