The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 11, 2022
September 6, 2022 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Traditionally, after Labor Day there is a change of pace throughout America. For a long time, it has been considered the unofficial end of Summer. It is a time to gather my thoughts and make plans for the last months of the year. Now is a time to make resolutions to get myself on the path of self-improvement in mind, body, and soul. In the matters of my soul, my spiritual life, I hear the Holy Spirit call out to me: “Carpe diem! Seize the day!” In the traditional ritual at the coronation of a pope the procession with the new pope would stop several times as a taper would be lit and go up in smoke, and a cantor would sing out: “Sic transit gloria mundi! Thus passes the glory of the world!” The question l need to ask concerns my life in the Spirit, my life in Christ. Where do I stand with the Lord Jesus? What does my faith life look like? How does my life look in the light of eternity? What can I do to get in the right place or grow stronger in my Faith? From the early days of the Church, Sacred Scripture (Acts 2:42) records what Christians have always done: 1. Assist at the Breaking of the Bread (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass); 2. Pray; 3. Study Christian doctrine (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church); 4. Fellowship. These are the basics for a healthy, sound, Christian life. These elements must enter the heart of family life and my life if I am to keep from sinking. Let us stand together as a community of Faith in Christ Jesus. Amen! If you have not been coming to Mass regularly, in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ I plead that you to return. We celebrate the Holy Mass at His command: “Do this in memory of me.” How will children have the best chance to face life without a solid Christian foundation? How will I prepare for eternity, without the Truth and the Sacraments? It need not be this way. As we pass beyond Labor Day let us start again - all by the grace of God. Yours in the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor