SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2020 - The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
God gave us through Moses on Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments. He did this out of love for us. In fulfillment of His plan to bring us to Him He finally sent His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord of Love, to offer to each and everyone the chance to be saved. But what must I do? My response in faith by God’s grace is to obey what God commands. The Ten Commandments in the light of the Catholic faith will always remain God’s sure and certain guides for those who wish to go to heaven. In our families we should often review, study, and pray over the Ten Commandments as explained in The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition or in The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These official books have been provided to us by the Church because it knows well the current confusion in matters of faith and morals even within the household of faith. The authentic Catholic faith is clearly defined and explained in these books so that we will be better equipped to take the straight and narrow path that the Lord Jesus demands of us. Our American bishops have also published a catechism entitled The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.
But how can I keep God’s commandments in our modern world? Humanly it is not possible, but with God’s divine assistance by grace all things are possible. So great is God’s love for us. You will notice in the catechisms mentioned above that the commandments follow the explanation of the Creed and the Sacraments. We can’t hope to be obedient to God’s laws depending on our limited human resources. We need God’s powerful intervention if we are to be faithful when many are not and when we consider our own human limitations and weaknesses. Jesus, love itself, will come to my aid, especially in His sacraments.
“Love God, then do what thou wilt!” said one of the saints. One word sums up God’s plan: LOVE. In Jesus, the Lord of Love, we are sure of victory.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor
P. S. A special welcome to those attending the Traditional Latin Mass today at 4pm. We will now have a Latin Mass every Sunday at 4pm. Please take time to read my letter insert. A few new Latin-English hand missals for the laity are available for sale at the rectory. Leather bound copies are $75.00 and leatherette bound are $50.00.