Sunday, July 5, 2020 - Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time –God bless America!
Dear Parishioners and Friends, My dear “little ones,”
As we celebrate the Fourth of July this weekend, we are deeply concerned about many significant matters. The coronavirus is still a threat not only to life itself, but also to our way of life. In addition, as our country becomes more and more secularized, at times we wonder if our religious freedoms are in jeopardy. A secular world with less and less fear of God and His laws is moving away from an authentic separation of Church and state, to one that is not merely indifferent, but also hostile and even intolerant. In secular society, it is heartbreaking to see, without any civilized discussion, destruction of anything even remotely related to Christianity by mob rule. Finally, we ask ourselves over and over again: when will we move ahead in treating all people with Christian love?
These days are days made for saints. Jesus Christ remains the first, last, and best answer to all the problems of the heart and the world. When Jesus was on earth, He was bruised, derided, cursed and defiled. On the cross He was stripped of His garments, crucified, and maltreated. Today, the crucified Lord Jesus stands high on the cross with His arms outstretched between heaven and earth in His supreme sacrifice of love to continue to save us day by day. When we were doing the worst to Him, He was doing the best to us. Thus, His path remains sure, the same yesterday, today, and forever.
If we are faithful to our Holy Religion, the Faith of Our Fathers, we will find the graces needed to deal with our heartfelt concerns and those of the world. Did He not say in the Gospel: “my yoke is easy, and my burden light?” Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor