Sunday, July 26, 2020 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Our lives reflect what we treasure most. Jesus, through his parables, encourages us to make the choices that open up for us His Kingdom here on earth and eventually the fullness of His Kingdom in Heaven.
Clearly, the temptation to make the wrong choices abounds. We can choose to be worldly. Our values and priorities can reflect what matters least and which ultimately will pass away. We need to treasure the ways of God which are worth far more than the finest pearls. The worldly mentality brings a fleeting satisfaction, but risks our eternal salvation. “What does it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his immortal soul?”
The first priority must be the spiritual, the holy, the eternal. It is much more important to live a holy, loving, life than a long life. In the Christian family parents have the sacred duty to pass on to their children the Christ centered Way. If they don’t, the world will quickly step in to do its dirty work. More than ever, we need God-loving, God-fearing families, where Christ reigns in all and overall. I am convinced that this pandemic time is a call to conversion, prayer, and holiness.
There will always be a false worldly spirit. As faithful Catholics we should not be seduced by this false spirit. More than ever, we should be faithful to the tried and true means the Church provides for us. Now is a time of fervent, disciplined, devout, and persevering prayer. We eagerly await the full return of the Mass, Holy Communion, and frequent confession. Practicing the virtues we see in Jesus puts us on solid ground. No matter what the worldly say and do we cannot go along. The Catholic life of faith and morals cannot change.
This Way will always remain the Key to Heaven. Let us use the key. It works.