Third Sunday in Ordinary Time- Sunday, January 24, 2020
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Let us continue to pray for peace in our world and our land in our hearts and in our homes and, yes, “let it begin with me.” Sometimes we might wonder what Jesus would say if He would address us in our world today as He did almost two thousand years ago. That is not a far-fetched question, actually. Therefore, the answer is not either. Though we cannot possibly know all the details and applications, we do know what was at the core of his preaching and teaching - the content. Moreover, the Gospel lives. The gospels are not just records of the past. What happened then is happening right now, at this moment, today. What Jesus said then He continues to say now to engage us – to engage me first and foremost.
To get my attention I hear: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:15).” I know that Jesus does not speak timidly, but with the full authority of God. There is no prevarication even in his stature, voice, or expression. He is serious. This is not just some nice little comment. The salvation of souls is at stake. His speaks to each soul, to my soul.
As Jesus speaks to me and as I gaze upon Him and as I listen to His voice, I cannot possibly miss the call to conversion, the call to turn away from sin and embrace the gospel. St. Mark places this scene right off. If I am listening, I hear Jesus speak to me personally. My sins give me pain. My response is: yes, Lord I see that I must convert and live in you. I must follow you. Your apostles abandoned their nets as fishermen to become fishers of men. You want me to do the same. I vow to gladly respond. At the beginning of the year, you call me to live as a loving and faithful disciple. I confidently put all my trust in you. You will not disappoint me. I continue with joy. I know your love for me. Yes, Lord I will follow you. “Do with me what thou wilt!”