During Advent I recommend that all of us read the first two chapters of the Gospel of St. Luke as a source for prayer and meditation. The key to opening the Sacred Scripture is to always keep in mind that what happened then is happening now. St. John the Baptist appears before us today as the last and greatest of the prophets. He sets the stage for us to welcome deeper into our hearts our personal Lord and Savior, the Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord. Like the prophets that had gone before him John calls us to conversion. Throughout the history of salvation there were many prophets calling the people of God back to religious observation. They exhorted the people of God to obey the Ten Commandments and the laws God had set down. There were those who turned backed to God, but there was always resistance. Most of the prophets were imprisoned and put to death. The same fate would follow St. John the Baptist. He knew the savior was in their midst. In Elizabeth’s womb he leapt for joy in the presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb. His words are to the point. He does not mince words. Again, there is a call to repentance and conversion. Again, we hear his timely words: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Even St. John the Baptist could not envision the revolution of the Godman, the Christ. He was not able to fathom the wonder of God’s love. Love has that surprising and overwhelming power. Jesus not only calls to conversion, but in his great mercy wipes sin away, restores life, and heals broken hearts and souls. Humanity will always crave this connection with God. Note that fire takes on two different meanings in the gospel. There is the fire that will bring justice to the wicked, and the fire that brings the light and the warmth of God’s love. We desire the fire that sets our souls aflame. In the old hymn we sing: “To Jesus’ Heart all burning with fervent love for men. The Sacred Heart of Jesus by every heart and tongue.” “Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of thy love. Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created! And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.” Our Penance Services will be on the Wednesdays of December 13 and 20 at 7pm with four confessors: Fr. MacDonald, Fr. Faller, Fr. Polette, and me. At the doors of the church, you will find a Confession preparation prayer card and an adult examination of conscience.
May God bless you and Mary love you!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor