My best wishes and prayers are with our children, who received Our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion yesterday, Saturday, May first, at a special Mass at 11:00 A.M. I also offer my spiritual encouragement and support to their parents. Indeed, the Day of First Holy Communion is a grace-filled day – a day of blessing and grace for each child and his or her parents.
I remember well my own First Holy Communion now almost sixty years ago. I was lovingly prepared by my own parents and the good sisters in the Catholic school to have a heart ready to come into this unique communion with the Lord. There were many lessons, prayers, and stories, to appeal to our sense of wonder and awe before so great a gift. We made our first confession shortly before. The ceremonies were practiced over and over. There were hymns to learn and group prayers to recite. Just like our children yesterday, we were decked out in traditional clothes. Nine days before, we prayed a Novena, which compared our souls to various flowers, which we would present to Jesus, as it were. Then the great day arrived. My dad came to my bedroom to awaken me and tell me the good news that the day I had looked forward to was here. I could not wait. At the early morning High Mass I knelt at the top step of the main altar to receive the sacred host at the hands of our pastor. I remember a day of joy, peace, and love. Later my family, relatives, and friends would gather to celebrate this happy day. I will remain forever grateful for the good shepherds who led me to the Good Shepherd. Many are now in eternity. Part of me is already with them.
Parents, you are privileged to lead your children to the Lord. Your pastor and staff want to help you the best we can. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who always loves His sheep. Jesus is the gate through whom we must pass on the way of salvation. He remains our greatest hope. More than ever we must be on guard not to be deceived. St. Peter said: “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (Acts 2, 40). There are many false shepherds and false teachers. Jesus is the one we follow. He proclaims: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”