July 11, 2021 - The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Often we have heard that there is strength in numbers. How true that is. From the time I was a child, I have counted on the support and love of my parents and my brothers and sisters. Though my parents have long ago entered into eternity, I still feel the support of their prayers and love. My brothers and sisters remain a comfort in the journey of my life that remains for me. Mom would have wanted that. Our families are a great blessing.
The gospel at Mass today records how the Lord Jesus Christ sent out the apostles to bring His Good News to as many souls as possible. They went out two by two – like brothers. They looked after each other and supported each other in the mission. Their mission was to lead souls to Christ. They readily took to heart and accepted that they were commissioned by the Lord Himself to carry on His saving work. They strived to serve as instruments of the Lord’s amazing grace and amazing love. However, not all was easy. Sometimes they were treated with indifference, apathy, even angry opposition, and eventually what happened to Jesus would happen to them. Nevertheless, the Lord put His trust in them not to give up but to carry on no matter what.
All of us are called by the Lord to live in Him and bring His love to others. All are called to be faithful members of the Church and thus build up the Kingdom of God. All are called to do his or her part. All are called to love all the brothers and sisters. We fervently pray for these graces here at IHM. There is so much that is being done, that can be done, and should be done for the greater honor and glory of God. Let us march forward together as the brothers and sisters of the Lord.
Yours in our Lord and our Lady, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor