Christians have always been tempted to preach a religion or a Gospel of success. That means that if everything goes my way and I prosper, particularly if I become wealthy, that means that God has blessed me. Whereas if I am poor, sick, or struggling through life, God is displeased with me in some way and has rejected me or is even punishing me. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, often the truth is the exact opposite. Those most loved by God often have the greatest sufferings, disappointments, obstacles to success, even discouraging and hard times, yet they are God’s chosen ones to enter most completely into His unconditional love.
Perhaps, the most difficult truth to learn is that God has not abandoned us in adversity. During the pandemic, this view gives us hope. In fact, He draws even closer to us as best friend. When we are weak, emptied out, God comes in to lift us up. He embraces us with His love. Then He does something beyond our imagination. He turns all our sufferings into good for our soul and the souls of others. Some would actually say that the “night” becomes the “light” that makes us most like God. That is the way God works and we are always amazed. Yet I am sure that you would agree with me that it is more easily said than done. We call this process the Mystery of the Cross - by which we are filled with grace and if we persevere saved. It is the ultimate triumph of Love, the real thing, not the counterfeit version. Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever!
I have found that one cannot run away from the Cross. Sooner or later it comes knocking at the door. It has many different appearances, but is always difficult to look at. What makes it possible for us to finally accept it with joy and learn its most important lessons comes from Jesus, who “heals the brokenhearted” and fulfills in each one of us His mission to cure the sick and “drive out demons.” He did that in His time and He continues to do so in ours.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor