Dear Parishioners and Friends, I kindly ask that you take just a few minutes to read this important letter.
In preparing to write to you I re-read St. Mark’s Gospel, chapter 4: 35-41. We find Jesus and the apostles at sea in a turbulent storm. The apostles are frightened and believe the boat will sink, though “Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.” The apostles cry out to Jesus, wake Him, and He responds by calming the storm. Then Jesus says: “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”
During its long history the Church has experienced many trials. Yet the successors of the apostles and the Christian Faithful have always looked to Jesus to calm all storms and bring us His peace. What Jesus did then He promises to continue to do for us now in the Church of our time. For this we pray!
With this letter and the letter that those on our mailing list should receive, I formally initiate the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) for 2024 in our parish. As a priest for forty-three years, I can readily testify to the need for this campaign to support financially the ministry that unites all the parishes in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Ministries such as Faith Formation, Respect and Dignity of Human Life, Marriage and Family Life, Youth Ministry, the Seminary, and many more benefit from your donations. There is a tremendous harvest awaiting the response of faithful laborers. Each is called to do his or her part. I am counting on you to come through once again for the glory of God.
Our assessment for this year (2024) comes to $63,080.00. For the second year in a row, we met our goal without having to dip into the ordinary income of the parish. We have done it before. Let us do it again.
For more information, please consult our website at or the letter we sent to you. I hope you will take time to watch the video that shows the Archdiocese standing tall in our current trying times. Please consider making your best contribution and getting it to us online, through the mail, or in the collection basket. In addition, you could pledge and spread out the payments throughout the year. In the 1% club there is a one-time donation of $634.00.
On behalf of all those who benefit from your kindness, I express to you my sincere and heartfelt thanks. If you are able to donate or are unable to donate, make sure that you are part of our prayer army. God bless you! Mary love you!
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr. Mark G. Mazza, Pastor