Our Annual Parish Giving Tree, benefiting St. Francis Center, will begin next week, Nov 23 & 24. Take an "orament" card (or more) and give $25 gift cards. your generosity will be most appreciated! Thank you, Deacon Leon and Deacon Steve, for leading this important ministry! ........
Masterworks Chorale of San Mateo is presenting a beautiful holiday choral program on Sunday, December 15th, at 4:00 p.m. at the Congregational Church in San Mateo (225 Tilton Avenue). Featured will be the Gloria from Bach’s B Minor Mass, the Ave Maria by Mendelssohn (8-part choral work), the Huron Carol, and lots of familiar carols. IHM’s own Terri Cook sings with this group. ...
Help you stay informed on what’s happening in the Archdiocese, as well as National and International Catholic News. Registered parishioners within the Archdiocese of San Francisco qualify for FREE home delivery. ....
is scheduled for December 22 at Fair Oaks Community Center on 2600 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City. Please bring your gifts of toys, clothes, toiletries, blankets, etc. to the IHM Church vestibule on the weekend of December 14 and 15. For further information, call Rick Dachauer at 650-279-2967.
There will be a short introduction on the importance of music in the liturgy and learning to sing the music of the Latin Mass led by our new Music Coordinator Georgianna Askoff. For more details on dates, click on News Title or flyers in the vestibule.
Books and CD’s on the saints are some of the most frequently checked out items in the Discovery Room. This Sunday we are featuring Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We have some great books about her extraordinary life, including some beautiful children’s books. Stop by after Mass and take a look!
If you are interested in serving as Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, train for an additional ministry or attend to renew your service.....
For families with 8th grade daughters, join us for Information Night at Notre Dame High School in Belmont on November 14th from 7:00-9:00 pm. Information Night provides detailed info about student life, leadership, wellness, and academics. Shadow Dates available in November.... Click for registration and more details.
This Sunday, November 10th, Dr. Deaconoff will conclude his service at IHM as music director. We are grateful for all that he has done with the music these past few years. Dr. Deaconoff directed the music and choir at the 11:30 am Masses and on the various feast days. Our music program will continue uninterrupted with the Liturgical Singers and Folk Group still in place.
JUNİPERO SERRA HIGH SCHOOL, located at 451 West 20tÍh Avenue in San Mateo, will be holding its annual Open House for prospective students, parents, and friends on Sunday, November 17th, 2019, at 1:00 pm. Reservations are requested at www.serrahs.com/admissions/visit-us.
Be sure to drop by the Discovery Room this Sunday and meet the choir members who are hosting hospitality after both the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses. This is a great opportunity to say, “Hi” and thank them for the fabulous music they give us Sunday after Sunday!
All youth in grades 5 – 12 who have received their First Holy Communion are invited to be part of this important Ministry! Fr. Rufino will be training all current servers AND new servers on Friday – November 15 and November 22 at 6:00 pm in IHM Church. Click News Title for more info....
Today in the Discovery Room we are featuring DVD’s and books by the master preacher and theologian, Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Sheen is renowned as the greatest and first Catholic televangelist, who engaged his listeners with his humor and speaking style. .....