In the meantime, check the schedule for our Summer Hospitality outside of the Rectory after our 9:30 Mass. Many thanks to all of you who have contributed so much to the Discovery Room this year! .....
You are invited to join the volunteers who produce our May 11th Gala or the various community events throughout the year. We need you to celebrate IHM Life through 2019. Questions? Click Title for more information.
Immaculate Heart of Mary School is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. For more information on preschool call Liz Zapien, Preschool Director at 650-593-2344. Click on news title for details. we need the space to store all the flowers for Christmas Masses. Meanwhile drop in whenever the church is open to browse, borrow or return materials (except, as mentioned, this weekend!
This coming Wednesday, December 12, is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Do your children/grandchildren know about this wonderful miracle which led to the conversion of Mexico? Come by the Discovery room after Mass Sunday Dec 9th and borrow one of our beautifully illustrated books about Our Lady of Guadalupe to read to the child you love.
If you are planning to purchase a Christmas tree from a lot, please consider buying one from our good neighbor and Sister Church, the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross, 900 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont, CA. Their hours are as follows: Mon-Sat, 9 am to 7 pm; Sun noon – 7 pm.
What’s on your reading list for Advent this year? If you haven’t yet read Jesus of Nazareth, The Infancy Narratives by Pope Benedict XVI, now is the time! Pick up a copy at the Discovery Room. Click on the News title to read more.
Exciting Small Group Program to start during Lent. If you are interested in being a facilitator or assistant, contact Sam or Laura Hutkins. Click on the News title for more details.
Come by the Discovery Room after Mass for some coffee, tea, and goodies. While you are there, note the basket of free Christmas cards. Bundled in assorted groups of 6 and tied with a festive Christmas ribbon, they just might be a perfect little gift to bring to an elderly neighbor or a friend in a nursing home, or even a child you are encouraging to learn to communicate with others this Christmas. They will be available in the Discovery Room through December 9th.
You can help save a life this winter. Most of us have a warm and dry place to sleep at night…but many of our homeless brothers and sisters do not. Click title to learn more.
We are living in a time of contentious elections, church scandals, media frenzy and feelings of righteous indignation. Reading how the saints deal with similar issues in their day can be instructive for us in our own historical moment.